Tales from the Team

  • 27 July 2022
  • Alison Keene
Welcoming and integration
Recently on a Sunday morning, there were roughly as many people at our 10am service on zoom as in person – a sign of the times obviously, and we are just so grateful for the wonders of technology, which many of us have learnt about in the past couple of years!   
So what does that mean for our shared welcome ministry?  I think, just as we’ve had to adapt to so many things recently, so our welcome of each other has been adapting too.  When I too was on the zoom service the other day, I felt very welcomed by the zoom host, and immediately part of the screen congregation, all smiling back warmly at me!   After the service, in our virtual coffee breakout room, it turned out there were several issues going on for people, and so our host paused the chat so we could pray for each other straight away.  That was a real blessing. 
Welcoming each other to wherever we may be, in whatever circumstances, goes on still, and it really makes a difference, particularly for people not able to get out and about at the moment.  If you’re on a zoom service, do welcome your fellow participants, and stay on afterwards in the breakout rooms, to continue the fellowship – it could make someone’s day!