Tales from the Team

  • 1 August 2022
  • Jane Robinson
Little Sheep
It has been an unusual three years with COVID influencing so many of our decisions. We closed Little Sheep Playtime and Church at the height of COVID but we have re-opened – first with masks and now with only some wearing masks through personal choice. First with signing in with QR codes and now just signing in with our emails to receive cheery notes. 
Other illnesses have raced through our community – flu and viruses of many kinds but finally many of our expat families are flying home to visit grandparents, siblings and friends who they have not seen for 2 or three years – and they will stay in Europe for eight or so wonderful weeks. 
All this is to say how varied are our numbers and attendance at Little Sheep Church. We had 84 people one day and 22 just recently. But whatever our numbers it is such a joy to see families walk through the door with their children, head to the coffee area and chat with friends, join in the singing and sit with their children at craft. 
And last week, three new families walked through the door! So exciting and such a great reminder that it’s God’s church first -and we can leave the growth to Him.