Advent Studies Report by Iszy

  • 21 November 2023
  • Rod Thearle

I have been attending Matt Aroney’s Advent Studies these past 2 weeks on a Tuesday evening on Zoom. It goes for 45 minutes and is a deeply rich and encouraging time.

The first week we looked at the name ‘Emmanuel’ meaning ‘God with Us’. I was immensely encouraged to learn from Isaiah that God is sovereign over the rulers and kings and the strongholds of this world, that he can conquer and win victory over them, that his people back in the Old Testament heard a prophecy from Isaiah that God will be with them, to never abandon them, to never leave them, and that this same prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus today, as God’s very own son, who provides the gateway into complete safety in God’s mighty hands, who will also too, never abandon or leave his people. He is with us. That is sure!

The second week we looked at Lightness & Darkness. I was encouraged to learn that even the light does not darken the dark, but exposes the darkness. Nothing can take away God’s significant light, and the darkness cannot overcome His light!

These advent studies have brought me great joy, great confidence and great hope in the Lord. I am so blessed to learn about how Isaiah points to Jesus, the chosen one who is with us and overcomes darkness with his light, and how Jesus’ birth is the core beauty of our advent season and Christmas!

Iszy Pamatmat