Whoever you are and whatever you do, you are welcome to come to any of our Sunday services. These are conducted in the Anglican tradition with the exception of the informal Little Sheep Church, run at St Peter’s for families with young children.
Church Services
St Michael’s
Cnr Gilliver Ave & Vaucluse Road, Vaucluse
Sunday 8am
Holy Communion
A welcoming and warm liturgical communion service with brass and organ music. A morning tea follows the service.

Sunday 10 am
Holy Communion & Kid’s Church
A welcoming and warm liturgical communion service with a choir and organ accompaniment. At Kid’s Church we read a Bible story, play games, sing songs, and do crafts. There is also a creche space. A morning tea follows the service.
Join us on Zoom
St Peter’s
331 Old South Head Rd, Watsons Bay
Sunday 9am
Holy Communion
A welcoming and warm liturgical communion service with music from the oldest organ in Australia. A morning tea follows the service.

Sunday 9:30 am
Little Sheep Church
A fun, informal service with kids’ songs, a Bible Story and a craft. There is plenty of time for kids to play with great toys, drink barista coffee and chat with other parents. Operates during school term.

Special Services
In addition to our regular services, we hold baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, and commemorative services when needed. We also have a columbarium in a garden of remembrance where loved ones can be laid to rest.
Parish Ministries
Our church is like a body where each part plays an important role and is needed for it to function well. Similarly our members are encouraged to exercise their God given gifts for the benefit of the whole community. We have a range of ministries within the Parish for you to be involved in.
In our Parish
Community organisations we support
Missionaries we support
Venue Hire
If you are looking for a stunning venue for; a special event, concert, conference or training, we have a number of well-equipped facilities ranging from halls to churches at attractive rates.

Laying your loved ones to rest
You can select a niche of your choice for your loved one, in one of six gardens.
The Gardens provide a unique place for family and friends to visit, remember and reflect. They are open all year round and at all times.
A simple and dignified interment service is available on request and, for those who need a listening ear or someone to talk or pray with, ministers are available.
And for those who need a listening ear, or someone to talk or pray with, ministers are available.

A place to remember
The columbarium is open to all. No religious affiliation is required.
Niches are available for the interment of ashes or simply for the provision of a memorial plaque.
Niches are typically reserved via prepayment. Purchase upon interment is also available.
Watsons Bay Columbarium and Gardens of Remembrance
St Peter’s Church
331 Old South Head Road
Watsons Bay, 2030
Free parking is available on site.