Community Lunch May

  • 2 May 2024
  • Meg Matthews

Arrivederci Roma was the theme for this week’s Community Lunch in the St Peter’s hall. All things Italian were on the menu, both for the food as well as entertainment. The wonderful catering crew produced an unbelievable meal of minestrone soup, pizza, caprese salad, fruit salad, home-made tiramisu, finishing with tea, coffee and chocolates…. All for $5!

As one attendee said. “You’d hardly buy a cup of coffee for $5. How on earth do you give us a 3 course meal?” I explained it’s because of the generosity of our volunteers as well as Woollahra Council’s support in the way of a community grant.

Read here some of what Doreen wrote to the amazing team of helpers, “Thank you so much for working so hard at what I think was one of our most successful Community Lunches ever! Arrivederci Roma was a wonderful event, there were more happy faces and compliments than ever; it’s all down to you all!

Special thanks to Helen for the yummy Minestrone, Verity for the amazing Tiramisu, Louise for the wonderful fruit salad and being such a generous worker all round, and Genevieve for putting up with the awkward still-broken oven! Thanks to Peter for being the bestest Sou-chef, Cecilia for being a tireless helper, Liti for helping to set up and serving, Elaine for looking after everyone and bringing choccies and raspberries, Juliette for being a wonderful helper. Thank you to Graham for looking after tea, coffee, chocolates and chats and refills! And thank you all for being so willing to help as needed when the lunch is served and to tidy up afterwards.”

Yes we did do more than just eat! The 55 or so attendees enjoyed chatting in table groups, sharing memories of holidays in Italy in a new segment called “The Roving Mike”, and working in table teams to try to win the very tricky 3 round quiz, with rounds of questions on Italian Trivia, The Regions of Italy and “What’s my Tune?” with piano playing by Doreen.

Next month our theme is “Take me home Country roads”…. featuring the music of John Denver, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Slim Dusty and others. So dust off your cowboy (or girl) boots, your sweat stained akubra, and make sure 5th June is in your diary.

Please consider inviting your friends and neighbours. A number of SHAP people have been doing just that, and it’s a great way to make new friends and introduce them to who we are and what we do in building community in our parish.
