First Impressions: Day One – Matt
- 4 July 2023
- Matt Aroney
We were overwhelmed with the generosity of our welcome to SHAP on Sunday. The lunch felt like a celebration of the life that God has given SHAP across St Peter’s and St Michael’s, there was much evidence of the love and kindness that comes from knowing Jesus and the Spirit’s power. Our children have been playing with their gifts, and all the leftover balloons, this week!
The service at St Peter’s had a warmth and joy that infused the liturgy, prayers, and music, it was a great introduction to worship at SHAP. Little sheep also was fun, vibrant, and full of life, our children were drawn into the space and its activities. A number spoke of how important the space is for a sense of belonging and community, what a gift to them and to others.
Through the service, little sheep, and the lunch there seemed to be many who were invested in ministry and willing to use their gifts for the sake of Jesus. Many were hard at work to make things happen. A special thanks to all who put in significant work to make the lunch happen and give us such a wonderful beginning.
Across the day it was encouraging to hear many stories of those who had found a home at SHAP because of the music, or through the ministry of little sheep or through online church. It felt like there were many ways to make SHAP home for people at different stages of their faith. The Holy Spirit has been at work, drawing people back home to God our Father.
We went home very heartened of the Lord’s work at SHAP and excited to find our place and serve alongside others for Jesus’ sake.