First Sunday after Easter
- 26 April 2022
- Tanya Bosch
St. Michael’s, Vaucluse
Thomas 24.4.22 based on John 20:
2. I am speaking about 3 things. The disciples, Thomas and us.
Disciples. It was the next day after the resurrection and they were in a locked
room. Jesus suddenly appears: In Luke it records that they thought they were
seeing a ghost which is why Jesus shows them the holes in this hands and side.
Note that once they recognised Jesus straight away he was giving them a job
to do and he “breathed” on them the Holy Spirit to help them with it. Note
that “Pneuma” in Greek means wind, breath or spirit. This was to occur 50 days
before Pentecost
4. Thomas
Who is Thomas? I asked 2 of my cycling friends yesterday. The one with
the good Catholic education told me this story pretty well. The other just
said “doubting Thomas”. Why doubting Thomas? As one cartoon on the
internet said you don’t get denying Peter or run away naked Mark.
- 1. One of the 12 apostles
The context of this was that Jesus wanted to go and see Lazarus who
had already died but the disciples were worried about the danger of
going back to Judea. So in John 11:16 Thomas said “Let us also go
that we may die with him” I think that showed courage
2. Asks Jesus in John 14:5 “How can we know the way?” when Jesus was
telling his disciples that he will prepare a place for them. He could be
asking an intelligent question or it could be everyone understood
what Jesus was saying and it was only Thomas that was dumb. I favour
the former.
3. After this episode he saw Jesus again on the beach for the fish BBQ
5. In Acts he is mentioned as living with the other apostles in Jerusalem
6. Legend has it that he took the gospel to India and died there.
Thomas in this story. I think most assessments of him are unfair. He
wanted to see Jesus and missed out. The enthusiasm and the joy of the
others was not going to convince him. But he seemed very hard hearted
and rigid about his own questions. he demanded to see what his fellow
disciples got shown voluntarily and got a mild rebuke from Jesus as a result
Thomas and Jesus. Once Jesus appeared a second time there was
absolutely no question and no feeling of holes. Thomas knew and declared
who Jesus really is. “My Lord and my God.”
5. What about us?
Resurrection appearances are important as the resurrection of Jesus is the
keystone of Christian faith. I Cor 15:14 “if Christ has not been raised, our
preaching is useless and so is your faith” That means if the Resurrection
didn’t happen, you are wasting your time coming here and I have wasted
my time preparing this sermon. The Resurrection is important because it
shows that Jesus is God and not just some religious leader being martyred.
Doubting is not sinning but we must deal with our doubts. It is best to
do that in the church context with non judgemental people. Talking to
others, reading the bible and participate in a home group. Note that
Thomas was not with the group when Jesus first appeared. Why? was
it he wanted to process Jesus’ death and the disappointment and grief
that came with that by himself? It would have been better for him to
be with the disciples.
- If you are not sure that Jesus did rise from the dead, have a chat to
me later. The proofs of the resurrection are the major reason why I
became a Christian so many years ago.
2. John the apostle probably realised that he was writing for many
generations and I’m so glad he did. Right at the end of our passage in
John 20:31. It says “But these are written that you may believe that
Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may
have life in his name.” These is referring to signs: miracles that pointed
to who Jesus is.
3. As I finish, it is Anzac Day tomorrow. We remember those who returned
like my Father Allan Russell and those who didn’t return and didn’t get a
chance to live out their lives. Anzac Day is a good time to communicate to
our fellow Aussies about Easter and the Christian Faith. They have the
same themes: death and sacrifice. Someone dies so that you can live. And
you can believe and follow that person because they have risen from the
dead. Let’s come to the same conclusion as Thomas “My Lord and my God”.