Parish Council 17 November
- 28 November 2021
- Andrew Keene
As is the tradition of Parish Council we started off with sparkling wine and nibbles to celebrate Dan’s time with us. Stuart and Judith proposed a vote of thanks to Dan which was passed by acclaim by the Parish Council.
Dan left and we moved back to a more traditional agenda.
We also farewelled from Parish Council Judith Brimer and Tracey Morgan, they will both be missed as they both move to Queensland. Both had vote of thanks moved by acclaim.
The wardens presented their report. They have prepared a schedule of fees for rental of the various spaces within our properties. This will now be turned into marketing content so that we can increase the use of our spaces. Finance report was also presented. We are still above budget on ordinary church activities.
Hybrid church has now been running for two weeks, and all the equipment has been acquired. The concept seems to be working, although there have been problems with the sound on the zoom service. The team is working to iron out these issues.
On staff matters we confirmed the appointment of Tobias Buckley to support the hybrid service and Garry Yee to support Little Sheep Church. Jeff and Anette Ware will join us in January.