Parish Council Summary
- 15 September 2021
- Stuart Robinson
Stuart opened the meeting with a reading from Philippians 4, requesting us to rejoice in the Lord always.
Eddie and the wardens reported on a number of building projects, in particular the bathroom project which is moving on well. The builders have been very co-operative and worked well with the preschool. Some donations have been made specifically for this project, and we will take the opportunity to encourage others to help fund this great work.
Work has also been done to put internet into the church at St Michael’s so that we can stream services when we are able to return to church. The work has uncovered some electrical safety issues which can now be resolved.
The Treasurer reported that we are currently ahead of budget, there has been significant income from the columbarium, we have been able to save expenses, and giving has moved to online. Stuart thanked the wardens for the work that has been done to put the parish on a solid financial footing to allow us to expand our ministry.
We reviewed data about attendance at Zoom church. It is encouraging to see a steady increase in numbers since we began in early July. Our regular community members have of course been at the heart of this, and it is good to see a number attending who have not been able to attend physical church. We have also welcomed many guests who may be new to us or able to attend from places such as age care.