Why I am doing Roughtober
- 21 September 2021
- Verity Thomson
Friday 29th October 2021
My reasons for taking part in Roughtober again – Verity Thomson
“I often think of it this way – nobody sets out to be homeless or to sleep rough. It can happen to anyone and is usually the result of a series of unfortunate events.
Homelessness can affect people of any age or sex, colour or creed. Jesus taught us to never cross the road when we see someone in need, but we should show love and care for everyone – NO EXCEPTIONS!
I am happy to take part in Roughtober again to support the Rough Edges team, who continue to care for those who need it”.
- Join the SHAP Team and offer to sleep ‘rough’ for one night. You can be any age and live anywhere to join in! Click here to join the team.
- Support the SHAP Team by donating to our page and offer some words of encouragement. Your donation can be big, small or somewhere in the middle. Every little helps! Click Here
- Tell your family and friends about this event and ask them to donate.
- Pray for the event to raise lots of money so that Rough Edges can help all the vulnerable people.
Please contact Verity Thomson at verityt@bigpond.com to find out more.
(Look out for this image on the donation page).