Volunteering in Kids’ Ministry – Safe Ministry Update

  • 24 January 2024
  • Matt Aroney

To grow a children’s ministry at St Michael’s as well as extending the love and message of Jesus to our Little Sheep Families, we are looking for more people to be able to join our team and volunteer to help out.

Please email Tobias to start a conversation at tobias.buckley@southheadanglican.org

As a church, it’s critical we are trained and equipped to protect and care for the vulnerable and young members of our community and congregation, so volunteers will need to complete the:

Safe Ministry Training Course


The Safe Ministry Training Course is run by the Safe Ministry Team for the Sydney Diocese of the Anglican Church.

It requires that all clergy and church workers (paid or volunteers) undertaking ministry to children and youth, complete Safe Ministry training every three years. This training is also beneficial for those involved in ministry to other vulnerable people.

Safe Ministry Check

https://safeministry.org.au/wp-content/uploads/SMC-Volunteers-18-years-and-older-13-March-2024.pdf: Volunteering in Kids’ Ministry – Safe Ministry Update

The Anglican Diocese of Sydney is committed to doing everything we can to ensure that our churches and church organisations are safe for all who participate in church activities—including our volunteers. That is why we require everyone who has a ministry role within the church to meet specific standards of personal conduct.

Some of the questions are personal and sensitive. We are not asking you these questions because we think you’ve done anything wrong. We ask them because they are part of a process that will help ensure our churches are safe.

Please return this form to your Senior Minister or the authorised delegate from your church who will be assessing this form.

We encourage you to read through page two about The Safe Ministry Check and the entire form, if you have any questions please chat to Matt Aroney or via email here: matt.aroney@southheadanglican.org

Working With Children Check


Adults who work or volunteer in child-related work in NSW must have a Working with Children Check (WWCC). Employers and organisations must verify the WWCC details and keep records of anyone they have in child-related work.

The WWCC check is free for Volunteers.