Scaling Back: Jeff
- 27 June 2023
- Jeff Ware
During the month of July, I am taking four weeks leave before returning to SHAP in a scaled back capacity.
In the school holidays Annette and I hope to spend some time in Canberra with our daughter and her family. I’ve finally bought myself a bike and I am looking forward to rides around Lake Burley Griffin and elsewhere with two of my very energetic grandsons.
Then, in August, I will return to SHAP and join you at St Michael’s and St Peter’s for the first two Sundays of each month in a working capacity.
So, our involvement at SHAP will continue. We are very pleased about this, for these are exciting days in which to be part of the parish. Three years down the track the amalgamation is working well and the leadership in the parish is outstanding. We had a wonderfully joyful St Peter’s Day service on Sunday, before enjoying morning tea with the sounds of singing and play from those at Little Sheep ringing in our ears. I have heard only good reports from the gathering at St Michael’s and the interview of Allegra Spender.
Annette and I continue to be encouraged and to find much refreshment for our souls as we meet with everyone in our community and find ourselves caught up in the many activities taking place in the parish. Amongst other things I have very much enjoyed working alongside Meg Matthews and others as we visit our friends at Moran, Beresford Hall and the Vaucluse Nursing Home. In all of this, we are constantly reminded that we are blessed to be a blessing and we look forward to all that our gracious God has in store for all of us at SHAP in the months and years ahead.
Jeff Ware