Scripture has started with Rose Bay Primary. We have just over 40 kids all together from the 4 stages, Kindi, Year1-2, Year3-4 and Year 5-6. Term 1 we are discussing the first book of Samuel from the Old Testament now up to first king of Israel, Saul. Teaching with mask on for the first 2 weeks was proving a challenge. RBPS is very welcoming to all the scripture teachers not only us but includes Ethics, Catholics, Greek Orthodox and Hebrew. At the first day, 3 weeks ago, they were about 20 teachers all together, very encouraging to see past (me) and current parents volunteering and the members from surrounding local churches. I do enjoy the open questions and comments the kids say. One in particular asked why was God disappointed in Saul after a battle, because he brought in the best cattle and animals from the defeated nation even though he was clearly instructed not to. Another was, when I asked what is the first book of the bible using the bibles provided, a student quickly looked at his bible and shouted, Jesus. I remarked it does rhyme with Genesis. I pray that if there is one thing the kids would get from all the stories this term, is that, God is good all the time. |