Tales from the Team
- 3 May 2022
- Jane Robinson
Community Lunch |
On the first Wednesday of each month, the hall at St Peter’s Watsons Bay is full of friends, conversation, and food. Peter Vogler kindly and keenly oversees the car park each time, so it all runs smoothly. From 11:30am the hall starts to fill with friends from all around our community, and people gather by the tables. Our guests also come from Vaughan Village in Watsons Bay, and Moran at Vaucluse. And friends bring friends. At 12:00pm we begin lunch with grace and the amazing team serve platters of food – sandwiches, quiches and soup. At 12:30pm our entertainment starts and Meg, Stuart, and Jeff present quizzes, interviews, music, and items. In March, Jassen Rose played the piano brilliantly, and this month (April) the lovely girls from Kambala Junior School are coming to sing for us. Gillian Stumbles is our guest interviewee. After our entertainment we have tea, coffee, cake, and chocolates. We are so grateful to our amazing team who arrive early, bring fruit salad and cake, heat the food, and arrange it all so beautifully on platters that they serve to our guests. And then they prepare tea and coffee, clear away, washup and tidy up. And we want to thank BoldFood who cater for us so generously, deliver so dependably, and support our community event. Although COVID stopped us meeting face to face at times these past 2 years, it is a great joy to meet again in this way each month. We generally see between 40-60 people at each Community Lunch. We hope to see you next month! Jane Robinson. Team Leader. |