Tales from the Team

  • 18 May 2022
  • Jeff Ware
Bible Study Groups
One of the things I’ve noticed since arriving in the parish is the existence and stability of several small groups that have sustained people over many years. Indeed, one or two of these groups have a history of meeting that spans decades. On a weekly or fortnightly basis they have met to open the Bible, to pray, and to enjoy one another’s company and fellowship. They have also offered loving support when members have been passing through those difficult moments that life throws our way. Guidance, practical support and deep belonging are just some of the blessings these groups have provided.
Recently, during Lent, Stuart offered an online Bible study. On Monday nights, around twenty people linked up on Zoom to explore one of the New Testament epistles, 1 John. While it was not the same as meeting in someone’s home, in these times where we are still needing to be cautious, it was a good and worthwhile way to connect with one another around the Scriptures.
Whereto from here? It’s a case of watch this space. In June we are about to start a short sermon series on Jonah and there will be opportunity to join others to learn from this Old Testament book, and to spend time with one another.