Tales from the Team – Prayer

  • 25 October 2022
  • Elaine Kaye
Prayer – Elaine Kaye
Every Tuesday evening we conduct a zoom prayer service for Prayers.  We are a solid group of regulars who join together in thanking God for our blessings and to put our concerns before Him and it is remarkable how our prayers are answered in a way which God sees appropriate for us.  
We pray for concerns in our own country and around the world; for those close to us who are going through difficult times; for those known to us who have asked for prayers for either themselves or loved ones.

We commence with a chat around the screen to make sure all are managing OK and this is a good way to let everyone know how we are feeling and if there are any concerns we may have.  One of our group takes the lead each week and we have become a solid group of friends. 
We are very happy for anyone who feels the need for Prayer or feeling the need of great company to join us for one Tuesday evening or every Tuesday!  You will be surprised how uplifted you feel afterwards!  The link to join us is below:


Elaine Kaye