Future Support for MAF

  • 29 September 2021
  • Louise Kaye

As we reported last week, Tim and Anna Southcott have decided not to return to East Timor at this stage.

The mission group and parish council agree that our support for MAF continue and be allocated to “area of greatest need “.

We have expressed to Tim and Anna our greatest sympathy for them in making this very difficult decision. We have decided that as a parish we will continue our contribution to MAF, a truly wonderful organisation, whose members fly small planes into very challenging places supplying needs to people in remote communites in Jesus’ name. For 12 months our contribution will be “to area of greatest need” and at the end of that time if Tim and Anna have made a final decision to resign from MAF we will allocate the money to a particular person or couple working for MAF. If Tim and Anna return to Timor Leste we will of course resume our support for them.

Here is a video about the work of MAF.