• 14 December 2021
  • Caroline Frykberg

A Christmas letter from Mission Aviation Fellowship

Hi Friend,    
Kezia needed help, fast.

In a tragic accident, this little girl had pulled a scalding pot of soup onto herself. She was severely burned from the waist down and in terrible pain.

What if Kezia was YOUR child? You’d probably rush her to the nearest emergency room. But the small clinic in Kezia’s remote village was not equipped to treat her.

Thankfully, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) serves that part of Kalimantan, Indonesia. MAF’s team was called and immediately took to the air. Kezia, her grandma, and her father boarded the airplane, and the MAF pilot said a prayer.

Soon they landed in the city of Tarakan. MAF’s hospital guest house opened its doors to the family, giving them support and a place to stay while Kezia received the critical care she needed.

I hear many stories like this—sometimes several in a week! I’m so thankful for those who support MAF, allowing us to minister in the remote, difficult parts of the world, so Kezia and others have somewhere to turn when they need help.

MAF conducts a lot of medical evacuation flights. But it’s just one of the ways we serve.

Our vision is to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ. A Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord! Everyone needs to know, including those who live in jungles, or on mountaintops, or along river banks.

So MAF partners with churches, mission organizations, medical groups, relief organizations, and others to bring help, hope, and healing to remote areas. To make disciples. To meet people’s deepest needs.

But we can’t go unless we are sent. As a nonprofit organization, MAF relies on the gifts and prayers of committed people like you, who have a heart for the lost and hurting. I appreciate every friend who supports this organization!

Without you, the planes wouldn’t fly and our staff couldn’t serve, which would leave many remote areas cut off from help. Here are a few snapshots of the work your support has made possible in the past year.  In Lesotho, both the Lesotho Flying Doctor Service and the Lesotho Flying Pastors rely on MAF to fly them to remote villages in this small mountain kingdom. Healthcare and the gospel arrive on MAF airplanes! In Haiti, MAF provides safe transportation for church and mission teams ministering in this dangerous country. MAF Haiti also brings help following natural disasters—like last summer’s earthquake—delivering food, shelter, water, and supplies to those in need.In Kalimantan, Indonesia, MAF supports disciple making, community development, and medical initiatives. The MAF team also conducts many medical evacuation flights and operates the hospital guest house for patients and their families.In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, MAF ministers from two bases, on both the east and west sides of this vast nation. In Bunia, MAF conducts Christian outreach in refugee camps, while our flights support Bible translation, medical teams, and evangelistic efforts across the country.In Mali, every year an MAF team digs four water wells in impoverished villages, showing the “JESUS” film and sharing the gospel during their stay. Through this MAF project, churches have been established and many people have come to Christ over the years. Dozens of water wells have been dug, making a huge difference in the quality of life in the villages.Thank you so much for making these things possible! There’s much more I could share, and I hope you will visit and read some of the amazing stories of how God is at work in isolated places.

Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas.

David Holsten
President and CEO