Parish Council 15th June

  • 16 June 2022
  • Andrew Keene

Stuart opened with a reading from Psalm 67 and a prayer for today. Stuart gave us an update on activities over the last month. Particular mention of Jennifer and her team with Vintage Fair, which raised over $20,000 for Nungalinya College, the Community Lunch, led by Jane with Angela Brun singing and the democracy sausage on election day.

Wardens reported on matters staffing finance and property. Marion Auld has moved on to greater things with a new role at UNSW, and the wardens are advertising for a new person to work with Media and Communications. Financially the Parish continues to maintain good health with income close to budget and expenses below budget. The work on the St Michael’s driveway will proceed in the school holidays, this project is being carried out in memory of Toni Russell and funded by her family. An insurance claim has been approved for the repair of the flooding of St Peter’s Hall, work will commence shortly.

End of Financial Year approaches, St Michael’s has a fund through the National Trust where tax deductible donations can be made for the church building. We discussed projects that could be discussed for that fund including heating in the church – a topical topic at this time of the year!

There was a discussion on the way forward for children and families ministry in the Parish. Little Sheep church is building a community of families who had not previously been involved in church, the question is how to sustain that, and whether to hire a family’s minister to focus on that group.

Mark Auld raised the need for a master plan at St Michael’s that can help us think through the options around the hall and the rest of the property. A group led by Mark with Richie Purseglove, Peter Yedalian, Genevieve Scarf, Doreen LaForest and Eddie Bosch will discuss this issue and make recommendations.