Parish Council 18 August

  • 19 August 2021
  • Stuart Robinson

Stuart opened the meeting with a reflection from Colossians and then Matt Hyder opened with prayer.  Stuart reported on the amount of contacts that we have been having during lockdown through Zoom services, Zoom meetings, mail outs and community news. Stuart also reported on the appointment of Reverend Jeff Ware for the role of part time Senior Associate Minister from January 2022.

The wardens reported on some changes in employment arrangements, where Elaine is taking on the role of EA to Stuart and Liti Seroa has taken the role of business manager. The wardens have worked to rearrange the management of finances. Greg MacKay will continue as parish accountant and Ian England will take on the role of auditor.

A lot of work has been done on property matters. Consent has been received for the renovations of the curates cottage (funded from the ACPT) however there may be issued regarding hazardous materials which the wardens are currently reviewing.  The lease with Cranbrook is close to resolution. The work on the St Michael’s bathroom is close to commencement. The wardens are also working on a policy on the Columbarium to ensure we have consistent approach to managing the columbarium and we will put in place funding for future maintenance.

The Parish Council reviewed the Zoom services. They have been very successful, and we need to look at how to continue the experience when we return to physical church. This requires work to be done to facilitate streaming of our services from our church buildings – we have applied for a grant to fund this.

Wardens have reviewed our tithing to ministries (we have a long term policy to give 10% of our income to missions) to ensure that we are funding the ministries we support. The Ministry group led by Louise Kaye has been advising on this matter.