SRE – Tales from the Team
- 14 May 2024
- Liti Seroa
Scripture at both local schools has been going really well, thanks in large to the support of the principal and teachers. We have a total of 40 students at Vaucluse Primary and 32 at Rose Bay Primary. This year joining team Liti is the Rev Dan Ahn from Rose Bay Presbyterian doing the kindi class and as always over a few years now is the lovely Nerita Smith with the kindi Vaucluse.
Last term classes started on the title topic Who is Jesus? From John the Baptist, to Mary the mother of Jesus and then covering some of the big miracles that Jesus did all from the gospel of Luke. We did drama, comics and word puzzles and always finishing off with a short prayer that all kids get to do one per lesson all within the time slot of 30 minutes.
This term, its God’s big promises with Abraham in Genesis, the pattern or bible cycle of sin, consequences and grace. I always have a school teacher in the class preparing for the their next lesson working quietly in the corner but they are tentatively listening. For example, a teacher would ask question and I attempt to answer then she confirms with a quick search on google. Then we would stop the lesson and just discuss what she found with the class all related to the topic at hand. Good thing I do prepare for the lessons!
The memory verse the kids are learning, that speaks to me as well, God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises. Numbers 23:19 (CEV).
Thank you to prayer partners at SHAP that continue to support us for the salvation of each individual kids sooner in their life. And to their parents and grandparents that believe in God. The times slots to especially pray for us teachers are Mondays 10.30 -1pm and Fridays 9.20am – 11am. God Bless.