Vintage Fair – down but not out!
- 6 October 2021
- Jennifer Glasson
All is not lost – in fact much might be gained – it all depends on us! read on!
Once again Covid has been the cause of a cancellation of this event we had so looked forward to: the Vintage Clothing and Book Sale. The Tea Room is also not possible this year. Covid has made our personal worlds much smaller and for many of the fortunate, much cheaper to live in. Just think of all the money we have SAVED by:
- not going to the Vintage Fair
- not having a haircut
- not having guests to dinner
- not dining out
- not travelling anywhere
- not going to the theatre
- not attending fundraising events (new outfit, babysitter, etc)
We hope you might think about the reason we have been running the Vintage Fair for so many years. Our goal has been to donate to Nungalinya College in Darwin, which has a very high completion rate in training Aboriginal christians from over 100 remote communities, in leadership skills to be exercised in their own communities. Each year 200-300 students graduate. The college runs many courses, most of which cost around $630.Examples are:
- Foundation in Numeracy and Literacy;
- Arts and Media;Theology;
- Faith and Family;
- Media,Music and Discipleship
Our goal this year is to raise $10,000 towards the cost of these and more courses. If 50 of us donate $200 we will reach our target.
Please think about what you could afford to give. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Follow this link to donate to the SHAP page
If you can show proof of donation, there will be a “buy one, get one free” incentive when we next hold the Fair!
Finally, let’s all do this together on the weekend of October 23/24 ( so easy to forget unless it’s in the diary ! )
Hope to see you at the next Vintage Fair, Warmest good wishes Jennifer Glasson