- 8 June 2022
- Andrew Keene
Bianca Manning, our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Coordinator and the team at Common Grace, want to wholeheartedly thank you for your commitment, participation and action during National Reconciliation Week this year, as we were led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders.
Coming alongside the theme for National Reconciliation Week 2022, Be Brave. Make Change., together we explored Reconciliation as Love in Action. Over 600 people signed up to access our Church Resources Toolkit, and many of these resources have now been released across our website and social media. We have been overjoyed seeing and hearing how you, your families, friends and faith communities have engaged this National Reconciliation Week!
Whether you acknowledged alongside us the mark of 55 years since the 1967 Referendum and Mabo day, this year marking the 30th anniversary of the historic Mabo No.2 Case.
Whether you engaged with us through deep listening and learning to Aboriginal Christian Leaders through the video conversation with Pastor Uncle Ray Minniecon, Aunty Sue Hodges and Adam Gowen. Listen back here!
Whether you joined us in prayer, seeking God for true Reconciliation as Love in Action, being led by Gureng Gureng and South Sea Islander woman, Tahlia Smith.
Whether you responded to the injustice of our children being locked up as young as 10 and sent a letter to your State/Territory Premier or Attorney General to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility. It’s not too late to send your letter, see our template letter here.
Whether you reflected, perhaps with your children, on the message of Reconciliation as Love in Action through creativity with our Love in Action colouring-in, that was designed and developed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman and artist, Safina Stewart.
No matter how you engaged this week, our prayer is that you would put your love into action every week, and continue to be led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders in pursuing friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime.
As Pastor Uncle Ray Minniecon wisely said in the conversation with fellow Aboriginal Christian Leaders:
“Love is a verb, not a noun to be discussed. It’s a challenge to all of us to be brave and tackle the unfinished business of Reconciliation so we can make a change for all”
We encourage you to continue to Love in Action through donating to Common Grace as we continue to pursue Jesus and justice. Your donation helps empower Aboriginal Christian Leaders to lead our nation and followers of Jesus to listen deeply, advocate for truth-telling, and change the heart of Australia.
Yours in Friendship and Reconciliation,
Bianca, Tahlia, Safina, Monique, Jane, Emma, Abbey and the Common Grace team. Common Grace