And so today, Wednesday the 8th of December, marks the last day of the 2021 school year for Kambala. As I look back over the year that has been, I am incredibly grateful for the work God has done in our school community. Four lunchtime groups, six different chapels, and religious education lessons for Prep to Year 10 has been a monumental and rewarding effort. As I come to finish my third year as part of the teaching staff, it has been such a joy to see how God works in the lives of girls in slow, steady ways. Attending the Year 6 Graduation was a moment where I was able to see some of this work. Having taught these girls in Year 4 and Year 6 and now seeing them head into year 7, it was incredibly moving to note the relationships that have been built, the progress that has been made, and the care that has been given that has really allowed these girls to come closer to understanding and having a relationship with the God who loves them so much. As a department, RE strives to create relationships that reflects God’s love to all people, provides a safe environment to explore and question, and a space where kids can get support in times of vulnerability. I am excited to see what next year brings, and how God will use our team as we head into a new school chapter with a new principal. |